Monday, 14 November 2011

Keeping it gribly!

Nurgle.. despite not having a great deal in any game system I have a secret love of painting all things Nurgle.
I've painted my wife's Plague Bearers, my brother in law's Plague Marines and I'm currently working on Epidemius for my wife.
I recently finished the new Plastic Nurgle Lord for WFB. I'm not fielding nurgle but I couldn't resist the model.

I did a bit of research before painting on putrefaction in human tissues to get the colours right. Yellow mixed into rotting flesh and purple washes helped to add to the necrotic look of it's tissues. I also mixed up a glaze using gloss varnish to give the innards a nice gooey look.

My ultimate test for any nurgle model is my wife. If she refuses to pick up the model I know I've done a good job!
Nurgle Chaos Lord

Friday, 11 November 2011

Space Wolf Dreadnought

So, not posted in  a while, life 'n all that!

Been working on a conversion for my Space Wolves army, I purchased the Furioso Dreadnought kit while my brother in law pick up the Venerable Dreadnought.

After some furious bits swapping and chopping I was able to come up with this...

I felt any half decent wolf dread needed a big choppy claw to complete it. Add in a few furs left over from my Chaos Marauders and your away. Still working on  a name for him though, will have to dig out my Norse mythology books again.

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Monday, 3 October 2011

Liquid Green is Awsome

OK, so with the now much maligned finecast shift this year GW have came up with the great plan of letting you buy tools to fix their mistakes. Nice work guys!
However one of these new release is in my opinion amazing.

Liquid Green Stuff.
I've used this to do a couple of projects so far, most notably the Doom of Malan'tai. It's a fantastic product, easy to use. Far easier to get into tight gaps with a brush rather than smoothing tool.
The filler is also waters soluble, allowing it to run into gaps and with a bit of light brush work it can be blended out to mesh seamlessly with the surface of your model.

The price (£2.30 for 12ml) is very reasonable too.
Regular kneadite green stuff is still an excellent option for sculpting and filling but this stuff adds a level of fine control that is invaluable.

Tyranids again (but not mine).

Hello again folks,
We had a visit this weekend from my friend Flint. Haven't seen him for ages and it was great to catch up and talk bollocks all night. Now, Flint is a fellow 'Nid player mainly due to his fascination with all things gribly (huge Cthulu fan). He also has the willpower of a crack addict when it comes to geek stuff.

Flint bought a couple of bits including a Zoanthrope and asked me if I could turn it into the "Doom of Malan'tai"

I thought it sounded like a nice challenge so here's what I came up with for him.
Doom of Malan'tai

Doom of Malan'tai

I hope Flint likes it as much as I do. He can now add it to the army I've already painted for him.

Saturday, 24 September 2011

Tyranids continued..

So I promised to put up more 'nids and here we go.
first of all is a request from a mate who wanted to see my Old One Eye.
I assumed this wasn't a come on and he meant the carnifex instead.

Old One Eye

Old One Eye
Old One Eye

He's a great beast and I was so lucky to pick him up listed as "bitz" for £6 on eBay.

Death Leaper & Lictor

not had a chance to field these guys yet so still to see there effectiveness, still they are great looking models.
Death Leaper

Tyrant Guard
Tyrant Guard
Probably one of my favourite 'nids. They just exude brute force and aggression. Never let the Hive tyrant go without them.

Usually field two good sized squads of these from reserve or Infiltrate to mess up my opponent's day.
Excuse the brood lord in back, his arms are unpainted after a swap out for a pair that didn't come with the kit.

Hive Tyrant
Hive Tyrant
In a moment of weakness I actually included guns on this guy, twin linked death spitters. Then I manned up and replace it with a full set of scything talons. Much better!

So that's all for now, hopefully soon I'll put up some pics of my nearly complete marine army.


Saturday, 17 September 2011

Shameless Plug!

I currently have a Space Wolf Wolf Guard sitting in the cabinet at Games Workshop, Middlesbrough.
He's been entered for this month's "Big Choppa" painting contest. Voting starts on the 24th of September.
Look for the Space Wolf In Terminator armour with Storm bolter and converted frost axe.
If you happen on this article please drop by and vote for my mini.

G W Middlesbrough


Hive Fleet Wyvern. This hive fleet is a bit of fun, I decided that guns were a very unmanly way to play 'nids so I have entirely excluded them from this army. The whole army runs close combat with he only ranged attack being the Bio plasma on my two screamer killer.
Paint scheme wise i decide to go old school and have the old rogue trader genestealer purple and blue. Oh how I wish you could still run a Genestealer Cult army.
First up is the Mawloc

Has been a great unit to use, though he's a little hit and miss as an actual attack I've found leaving him in plain view in reserve has a great Psycological effect. most opponents tend to be very cautious with there tanks when they see I have him.

At some point I'd like his other brethren to bolster my army but that may be some time from now.
More pics of the nid's to come as well as a progress report on The Sons of Ignis

More pics to come soon.

Oh I have also been putting a lot of time into the new Space Marine game from THQ, great fun, even better when they fix multi player.

Sunday, 11 September 2011

Tomb World Cyclopea

So first update in a little while and as promised, it's Necrons this time.

First out It's my converted Necron Destroyer Lord.
Necron Destryoyer Lord Conversion

Spider Lord, Spider lord...
Inspiration for this guy came after completing my Tomb Crawler. This guy is you basic spider lord with the addition of some legs from a non GW kit. I drilled holes and then made notches in the side vents to accommodate the joints of the legs.

To answer a question from a mate, the legs come from and old Airfix Robogear kit i got for Christmas ages ago (one of those misunderstood your hobby presents!).
Robogear Spider
The robo gear stuff is out of print now but apparently popular in Russia? I do spot the odd bits on eBay every now and then.

Overall I;m really happy with the look, he's a really imposing mini on the battle field and he gets a lot of attention.

Tomb Crawler

Tomb Crawler
This guy was a Christmas gift from Coz, had a lot of fun putting it together even though it was a nightmare to do. My first Forgeworld model too. He follows the same multiple metal paint scheme as my Necron army with glowing green interiors showing through the slits in the carapace. Base was brought to life by the addition of a hoard of scarabs.
Unfortunately he's been a bit bashed recently and is missing a foot. If any one has a spare let me know.

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

I think I'm famous (Ish)!

So i was researching some Space Wolf stuff today and after tapping Sven Bloodhowl's name into google and look at other people's interpratations of him. I was amazed to find that 3 of the first page images are of my model!! Wierdly it also show's me on page 3.

Thursday, 28 July 2011

Space Wolves

As previously mentioned Space Wolves where my first army and although my much coveted Leman Russ is somewhere on a land fill in the north of England I decided to start again.

This time though I decided to use this as a showcase army. So far this is my slowest painted army and I'm currently averaging one mini in a day of a  painting. Most impressively I've manged to make this army out of 2 boxes of space wolves 2 boxes of wolf guard and 2 single miniatures.

I stared with a ten man squad of Blood Claws, but to emphasise the wild nature of these young marines I swapped out the standard legs for assault marine running legs. Now with ten spare normal SW legs i could order torsos from a reliable bits store and hey presto, 20 marines from a ten man box. I think in total it cost me about an extra £10.

Then came the Wolf Guard, I bought a box to make a standard squad of 4 Wolf Guard and My Customised Wolf Lord. Unfortunately one of my miniatures went missing after taking them into work so my wonderful fiancee forced me to buy another box. (She really did, we had an argument in GW over it that left the staff speechless. It was the first time in their careers they have ever seen someone shouted at for not buying miniatures.)

This second set allowed me freedom to play around, from this I constructed a Wolf Priest, Rune Priest, a Wolf Guard, Lone Wolf and most importantly Arjak Rockfist.

I've added a few more embellishments to the army with a custom built Wolf Priest in Power armour and Some Wolfen.
Oh and I went on a massive scrounge to find all the missile launchers I could to make my long fangs.

All I need now is about six Razorbacks with converted las-plas turrets and I'm sorted.

So Images, first up Sven Bloodhowl. The fluff of this great company really ammused me. Gotta love guys who set themselves on fire for entertainment.

Sven Bloodhowl

That cape was a nightmare!
This guy won me Best Single Miniature on Grey Knights release day in the Middlesbrough GW Store.

Lone Wolf, Einar Stormcrow


Ulrick The Slayer
Ulrik The Slayer
Grey Hunter with Mark Of The Wulfen
Another cunning conversion, the clawed hands are from the rear set of an old Genestealer. Then I just greens stuffed a little fur over the cuffs.
Hairy Palms, nights must be quiet on Fenris!
Ingvar The Bloody
Battle leader of one of my Grey Hunter squads.
Ingvar The Bloody

Wolf Banner
Why wouldn't you field these? Re roll everything for a turn, yes please!

Blood Claw
The running legs really enhance the feels of these guys.


Arjac Rockfist
This heavily converted miniature draws it's inspiration from the codex image. The Thunder Hammer was shortened to represent it's special ability (That of Mjolnir, Thor's Hammer).
The Shield was crafted plasticard and green stuff, the cape was cut repositioned and greened to fit and the anvil (perhaps the trickiest bit) was sculpted from a spare Thunder Hammer.

Arjac Rockfist

Arjac Rockfist

Arjac Rockfist

Arjac Rockfist

Next time, Necrons.

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Sons Of Ignis part 2

OK just to round out the days posting on Space Marines here a few more images of my minis.

First up, My crazy converted chapter master. I have lost my list for the army so his name escapes me right now. The Helmet is made from Dark Angel wings attached to a modified chaos marine helm. Many would say that twin thunder hammers is a little silly, and they would be right. However it was just to awesome not to do. I rarely include him in a list anyway as he is a massive points sink. He was however great fun to make.
Bren gave him the unofficial name of "Captain Baddass McAwesome".
If you have a big enough hammer, all your problems look like nails!

Assault Marines

I've got two ten man squads of these guys to compliment my second company, fairly basic lay out and sticking with the plasma weapons that match the fluff of my army. All my squad sargeants have Corvus helmet with a white stripe. If money where no object i would give them to the entire army.



Again to compliment a full battle company I have two full ten man squads, plus enough heavy weapons to load out the 6 tactical squads.

Captain Perun, Master of the Second company

Perun is a fun little mini, converted from old rogue trader stuff that had seen better days. The cyber leg is from an old terminator. The thunder hammer also hails from left over terminator parts from about 20 years ago.

He's more machine than man now.
So that's all from the Sons of Ignis for now. I'll update  you with some of my other projects soon.

Tanks, I love em!

Tanks, fantastic things. I've always had a love of tanks even from a young age so it's only right  I should include a few in my Marines.
This Land Raider is a project I'm really proud of.
I Bought the Land Raider Crusader/ Redeemer kit and through careful planning, bits stores and the cunning use of neodymium magnets I have managed to make tanks that can be swapped out to be all 4 versions of the basic land raider (Terminus Ultra included).

Another Important thing for me is the interiors. I spend a lot of time making sure all my tanks have nice detailed interiors even if people never get to see them.

The engine bay.

The Shrine, including terminator helmet.

Control Panel with knobs and dials
Can't quite get the angles right but I custom built a shrine in the Land Raider just by the doors as well.
More tanks to come later when i get them finished , mostly my fleet of magnetised Rhinos/ Predators/ Razorbacks.

My Dreadnought and the Sons of Ignis

So how did my blog get it's name? Well from this guy
I love this guy, he's awsome. Getting on for 20+ years old now. Beaten up, Painted and stripped several times, but still loved. His arms have gone missing long ago, probably in a house move or in the 15 years of loft storage. I rebuilt his arms using a host of bits from my spares including venerable dread shin pads, rhino driver bodies for shoulder sockets and a guard sentinel close combat arm.

I love using him at the local store, all the kids and even some of the staff are very confused by him, but he's GW so table legal.

The Sons of Ignis project continues at a slow pace but here a few of the minis I've finished so far.

Sticking with Dreadnoughts for now

Iron Clad Dreadnought Battle Brother Vernius

Battle Brother Tyrus

Battle Brother Janik
I have a venerable dread in progress at the moment. Most of all I have tried to make as many weapon options for these dreads, the arms are all interchangeable and I've even made weapons for them which currently have no pre made options (Twin linked heavy bolters, Heavy Flamers and Autocannons).

First Company Terminators lead by Veteran Sgt Khan

Brother Chaplain Lucianus

First Company Assault Terminators lead by Veteran Sgt Ferox

Still have on more terminator squad and a terminator librarian in the wings.

Not a bad start really, will leave it there for now and post some more later on. Right now, in true British form i need a cup of tea.