Thursday, 30 June 2011

The Real Talent in the Family

So while i'm talking about painting miniatures i feel it only fair to mention  my fiancee. She is probably one of the best painters I have encountered in all my years of war gaming. We introduced her to 40k when we all decided to return to the hobby.

She decided that Deamons of chaos where her thing and took to it like a duck to water. She has created a beautifully painted army that quite frankly puts the rest of us to shame.

While I don't yet have a great deal of her stuff photographed I intend to show off her work here to.

Here's a piece she did for Bren over at Knights Of The Black Banner
I find the swirls quite hypnotic!
Oh and to top it of she makes CAKE!
The Cake Tearers, a lesser known succesor chapter.

The Sons Of Ignis

Sons Of Ignis
Marines where never my main focus.
When I made the return to wargaming a couple of years ago my initial choice was to play Tyranids but with the rumours of a new codex on the way I decided instead to defer to Necrons, an army that had always interested me. Sure enough the Necron army went well, a healthy collection of warriors and destroyers had built up and i was pleased with progress. At this point i decided to pick up a box of marines just for the fun of building and painting them.

After  browsing throught the list of existing chapters i decided to opt for one of my own design, The Sons Of Ignis.

The first box went well, my painting was a little rusty though overall I was pleased with the result. Then christmas came around and my wonderfull fiance bought me another box of marines. However thsi box was the now oop Space Marine Mega Force.
Hey that should be all the marines I need!

Well it all kind of spiraled from there and I now have enough marines to stock a full battle company.
I pointed the army out the overday and after filling all the slots on a standard FOC it came in at around 3500pts. so much for the little project.

There's still a hell of a lot to paint but it makes an immpressive display.

Sad thing is that i actually need to finish it of with Rhinos, probably another 8 or so.
I've worked up a chapter list, named all my squads and at some point in the future i'll post the details for anyone who's interested to see.
The first stage of recovery is admiting you have a problem.

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Sven Bloodhowl

Space Wolves, the first army I ever collected for 40k. Alas My mother consigned the warriors of Russ to an ignoble by deeming them "In the way!"
It is amazing how many of my belongings where in the way.

Most devastating of all was the loss of my original Leman Russ mini, from long before he was the mainstay tank of the guard. oh well!

So starting again was the only option.

This time round I have chosen the Great company of Sven Bloodhowl. Know amongst the Wolves of Fenris for being so mad they set themselves on fire for fun.

This is my converted Wolf Lord used to represent Sven. (no mini currently available).

Quite proud of this guy, He won me the Middlesbrough GW painting contest on the Grey Knight release event.

Sven Bowlhowl

The runwork was a bitch!

Meanwhile on Prospero

To start us of here's a freshly finished Thousand Son.

The idea behind these guys is top compliment my Space Wolves, the army will be 100% 1k sons. In the near future I'm planning to convert some termies to go with the army.

Ongoing projects

Sometimes I wonder if I might just be taking on to many projects. Over the last two years I seem to have taken a giant, feet first leap into a hobby I thought I'd outgrown long ago.

Miniature war gaming seems to have taken over my spare time, my life and worst of all my wallet.

Now I'm not saying that this is a bad thing but I have a major problem with my collecting attention span.

So here's a run down of the current projects:

Space Marines: Currently working on my own Astartes chapter, The Son's Of Ignis. The whole lot now makes up the full 2nd company of the chapter plus 1st company elites.

Space Wolves: A small specialist force collected more for the enjoyment of painting them. My Wolf Lord already won a local GW painting contest.

Thousand Sons: Again a specialist army more for display than gaming.

Tyranids: Now stands at a healthy 2000 points of close combat goodness. Not a single gun in the army.

Necrons: 2000ish points, mostly complete but awaiting the new codex.

On top of this I've been working on a whole host of classic board games all requiring painting.

Hero Quest
Advanced Hero Quest
Space Crusade
Space Hulk

As time goes on I'll upload some photos of my work and progress reports on the armies. I'm also planning to scour the web to find as much info as I can to expand the board games and share them with other people.

That's all for now.