Monday, 14 November 2011

Keeping it gribly!

Nurgle.. despite not having a great deal in any game system I have a secret love of painting all things Nurgle.
I've painted my wife's Plague Bearers, my brother in law's Plague Marines and I'm currently working on Epidemius for my wife.
I recently finished the new Plastic Nurgle Lord for WFB. I'm not fielding nurgle but I couldn't resist the model.

I did a bit of research before painting on putrefaction in human tissues to get the colours right. Yellow mixed into rotting flesh and purple washes helped to add to the necrotic look of it's tissues. I also mixed up a glaze using gloss varnish to give the innards a nice gooey look.

My ultimate test for any nurgle model is my wife. If she refuses to pick up the model I know I've done a good job!
Nurgle Chaos Lord

Friday, 11 November 2011

Space Wolf Dreadnought

So, not posted in  a while, life 'n all that!

Been working on a conversion for my Space Wolves army, I purchased the Furioso Dreadnought kit while my brother in law pick up the Venerable Dreadnought.

After some furious bits swapping and chopping I was able to come up with this...

I felt any half decent wolf dread needed a big choppy claw to complete it. Add in a few furs left over from my Chaos Marauders and your away. Still working on  a name for him though, will have to dig out my Norse mythology books again.